Please find a link to the 2025 MSS program listing below. Use the search function (Ctrl-F) to find your session and confirm all information is accurate.


updated 3/10/2025
The final copy of the book will be available after the meeting, once all updates have been made
Want to review the schedule differently? Check out this graphic layout.

NOTE: All sessions will take place at the Swissotel Chicago. The room names and schedule will be available in late January, when all submissions are final and are listed in the gray bar with the scheduled time.

For meeting updates, information, and resources, download the MSS Meeting App!




MSS members have repeatedly noted that the quality of the Meeting is predicated on the quality of the presentations. Thank you for your commitment to an excellent conference. We sincerely appreciate the time you will invest to ensure that your presentation is of the highest value. If you must withdraw your presentation, please do so as soon as possible by January 24, so we can reconfigure your session. Please note that not showing to deliver your presentation is a professional discourtesy that negatively impacts the organization of sessions, the quality of the conference and your professional reputation. Once sessions are scheduled, you will be notified by email to make a final review of the preliminary scheduled program for any spelling errors. The preliminary scheduled program will be available on the MSS website.

Please remember:

  • Presenters are required to be members of the MSS and to register for the meeting. If you are not currently a member, please purchase or renew your membership as soon as possible. Registration is open.
  • The deadline for presenter membership and registration is February 1. Presenters who have not purchased or renewed their membership and registered by the stated deadlines run the risk of being removed from the program.
Purchase a Membership
Guide to Renew Your Membership
Register for the Meeting

If you are a listed author and are not attending the MSS Annual Meeting, please email us at [email protected] to let us know and we will remove you from the “expected attendees” list and, therefore, remove you from the reminder emails.

If you need a formal letter of acceptance beyond this email, please contact Jennifer Talarico at [email protected].