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Submissions for all regular sessions are due October 15.Submissions for posters are due December 20.You do not have to be a member to submit to the annual meeting program. However, you will need an active MSS profile* and those selected to present will need to purchase or renew their membership. *An "active MSS profile" means either a current (paid) membership or a "SUBMISSION PROFILE" member type. If you cannot access the portal and don't have a current (paid) membership, you will need to, at minimum, renew your membership at a "Submission Profile" level. This is a temporary membership type and will bill you in November, when you'll need to purchase a membership to remain active. If you prefer to purchase a membership at this time, it will cover the remainder of this year at no additional cost.
Where do I find the link to the Submission Portal? Log in to the MSS website. If your MSS profile is active*, you will see a button under "QuickLinks" on the right side of the page that is called "2025 Submission Portal Link." When the portal is open, clicking on that menu item will take you directly to the submission portal. *See above for information. Not yet a member? To create a profile, begin at the membership page. Choose "Join MSS Now!" and proceed with your information. You may purchase a membership at this time or select "SUBMISSION PROFILE" in the membership type list to create a profile now and submit to the meeting. You will be prompted and required to purchase a membership if you accept an invitation to present at the meeting.
*All presenters on the MSS Annual meeting program must be members of MSS. We would appreciate if all potential presenters (not just the submitter) would create a profile via the above listed process so we have accurate contact information. How to submit:All submissions must be entered via the online portal. Once you enter the online portal, you will be prompted to enter the information listed below. Please be consistent with your MSS profile when entering email address(es) in your submission contact information.
Open Call Paper Sessions
Complete/Closed Sessions